Saturday, April 23, 2011


Ride bagi kanak2 istimewa. Gabungan Superbikes dan Supercars dari serata Malaysia. Ride anjuran bersama Takaful Ikhlas. 

Sebahagian acara yang telah berlaku:

7:30 - Registration of Bikers and Schools
Registration of Clubs by the Clubs’ Presidents
Registration of Bikers without club
Registration of Schools by the school teachers

08:00 - Breakfast for Special Students

08:30 - National Anthem – Negaraku
Federal Territory Anthem – Maju dan Sejahtera

08:40 - “Senamrobik” with all the participants and Special Students
Traditional Dance by Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Kesenian

09:00 - Welcome Speech by the Organizer
Doa Recital by the organizer
Speech by SRfSS Committee and Sponsors
Performance by Special Students
Award giving ceremony to Special Students

09:30 - Activities for Special Students commences
Motor Rides
Sports Car Rides
Air Castle
Clown Man
Colouring contest for the students
Entertainment by Artists

13:00 - Lunch

14:00 - Cleaning exercise by Bikers and Supercars

14:30 - End

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Khairul Hafiz dan sahabat beliau ride pusing satu Malaysia selama 4 hari bermula Khamis hingga Ahad. Syukur semuanya selamat.